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Looks like a great local event. pic.twitter.com/a5W66QeYXo

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Key Stage 3 Rocket Club starting September 2024. 3rd test launch Thursday after school for any student that would like to come and watch. pic.twitter.com/0HrQkWBEPt

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The March end of term Newsletter is now available on our website.https://t.co/529Xv4Ghnj pic.twitter.com/I60DGaO0u7

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Congratulations to Taylor! Proud owner of brand new airpods. From 50 students who demonstrated excellent behaviour and Academy values his name was drawn by Mr Carter during the Easter end of tern assembly. Well done! pic.twitter.com/WRet2g3JoF

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Still a few tickets left via ParentPay. pic.twitter.com/F0fZG9QetQ

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So today's final step count for the GCSE Geographers was just short of 15,500 steps. pic.twitter.com/bWHN0C9Hso

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They have done a lot of walking today. We are wondering what the final step could will be. pic.twitter.com/ITAdBvFZ2E

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Our photographer today seems very interested in different land uses in town centres and the urban rural fringe, and the impact it has on the environment. pic.twitter.com/1QnYG1nQKg

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Lunch stop in the park! pic.twitter.com/7y1kqukV6M

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Not as lucky today with the weather as we were back in mid-November, when the Year 11 Geographers went to Walton, but still some nice scenery. pic.twitter.com/sKgxjrfQHN

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Trip 2 for the Yr 11 GCSE students. pic.twitter.com/lpCqimDNtw

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Giving the students the opportunity to try new things. pic.twitter.com/XDrtYXLo9D

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Year 9 and 10 Reward Trip. pic.twitter.com/EyMFq9aKJ5


Happy Pi Day from all of us at Markhall! 🎉🥧 Remember, whether you're a student or staff member, Pi Day is a great opportunity to embrace the beauty of math and geometry. 🎈🥳

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Break for lunch and entertainment from some of their peers. pic.twitter.com/zMHE02pEX4

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Tour of the Campus and Halls.#uniofherts pic.twitter.com/qrPvdTUjwO

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Another University visit for Year 10s. pic.twitter.com/I4Rek7eBlK

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Distance Learning Support

Questions to ask yourself when studying at home

By asking yourself these questions, you will be actively learning which will involve more aspects of your brain and therefore help with your memory. 

Questions to ask yourself before you study:

  • What am I about to learn?
  • What do I already know about this subject?

Questions to ask yourself while you study:

  • How does this information fit into a bigger picture?
  • Do I understand what I have just read?
  • Can I rewrite it using different words?
  • Are there any key words or ideas that I need to write down? Why are these words and ideas important?
  • What can I do to help me remember this?

Questions to ask yourself after you study:

  • What can I take away from this study session?
  • What do I need to review or learn next time?


KS3 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3
Monday English History Drama Week 1


DT Week 2

Tuesday Science Geography PE
Wednesday Maths


(Reading  comprehension)

RE-Week 1

PSHE- Week 2 

Thursday English Science

Art- Week 1

Music- Week 2

Friday Maths House challenge Well-being



Useful websites for you to use, as well as the resources your subject teachers are providing:


Top tips for working from home

  • Ensure that you create a work-space that is organised. This should be comfortable but functional e.g. sitting at a table. (DO NOT revise from your bed!)
  • Ensure that you set work hours and stick to them. Follow your timetable from school to help you.
  • Avoid distractions such as social media etc. Even on silent, phones can be a distraction as you think about the latest Snapchat or Instagram post rather than schoolwork.
  • Take regular short breaks (reward yourself).
  • Don’t put things off. Sometimes we favour the subjects we like over ones we don’t, and therefore end up getting behind.
  • Don't work in front of the TV. It will distract you.
  • Stick to your morning routine- do not just lay in every day!
  • Exercise. It helps you to stay focused.
  • Eat a healthy lunch or snack.
  • Listen to music, preferably something without lyrics as it may help you to focus.
School website by Cleverbox